50s/60s Retro Interior Environment - UE5 & Lumen Exploration

Work In Progress / 06 May 2022

A couple days ago I stumbled across a couple assets I made that I intended to turn into a sort of vignette story but had sadly forgotten about that project. I decided to take the couple assets I had and turn it into a larger scene in Unreal to test lighting the majority of an interior with indirect lighting from a directional light through a window.

What I have found is that Lumen GI is amazing at adding depth and richness to the light and shadow of an environment, but because it seems to be tied to screen space in some way, if you rely solely on indirect lighting, your scene will be noisy AND sometimes dips into darkness if Unreal stops calculating bounce lighting from an off-screen surface. It's been a great way to learn a new workflow utilizing UE5's new tools and learning both their strengths and weaknesses.

A specific challenge I am hoping to tackle in this scene is storytelling and providing a solid sense of scale. Already I've had trouble nailing down the size of interiors from the 50s and have had to rescale parts of my scene once or twice to make it feel right.

Saturday Morning Cartoons with Adam West's Batman

This is my favorite focal point so far. There is much more I can still add to the scene with more pictures on the wall, pillows for the couch, maybe some magezines (etc) but I think it has a solid foundation so far!

Lil Brekky Bar

Excited to stock this pantry full of old cans and boxes :D Also gonna need a coffee spill decal or two for that counter! ;)